The story behind essential oils


What are essential oils? 

Essential oils are natural compounds extracted from plants that hold the plant's scent, flavor, and essence. I like to think of them as "plant magic" because they contain the most potent healing and energetic properties of the plant. Essential oils can be extracted using steam distillation, expression, or enfleurage.

What are essential oils used for?

Essential oils have many uses and benefits, such as reducing muscle pain, cramping, and anxiety, promoting healthy sleep habits, improving respiratory health, and boosting overall mood.

Are essential oils safe?

It's important to note that individuals with underlying health conditions, those who are pregnant, taking medication or supplements, should always consult with their healthcare provider before using essential oils. Additionally, it's crucial to consider where the oils are sourced and their purity. Many brands use synthetic scents and do not practice sustainability, so it's important to do your research beforehand to ensure the quality and efficacy of your products.

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